Vernicol S.A company with the purpose of continuous growth and development in the road safety section has in it’s property seven shotblasting machine trucks.

2-45DTM truck-mounted shot blaster is one of the most adaptable and productive of the large horizontal blast cleaning machines in our equipment line. The DOT highway approved vehicle is completely self-contained and specifically designed for surface preparation specialists doing jobs that require limited downtime, such as airports, highways, bridges and other large projects. The 2-45DTM provides a virtually dust-free, environmentally friendly work environment for the operator and others on the same site. The remarkable 2-45DTM ( shotblasting ) converts from a transport to a high production, environmentally friendly, shot blasting road machine.

Specialty contractors can drive to the job with all equipment, personnel, and supplies safely in a single vehicle. All controls, dust collection, spares, consumables, and the blast head, are protected in an enclosed truck body equipped with a lift-gate. Work is started after quick mounting of the blast head, converting the over-the-road vehicle to effective work machine.

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