VERNITHERM LV 700 is a low viscosity thermoplastic material for durable thin layer road warnings. VERNITHERM LV 700 has engineered for spray application by special equipped machines at temperature of 195 – 215°C with superior quality especially for hot climatic countries.

The polarity of LV 700 impacts excellent adhesion for asphalt pavement and works perfectly with siliceous materials such as glass beads, quartz, corundum, e.t.c..
For concrete or cement bound surfaces requires the application of special primer by vernicol.

Recommended uses

VERNITHERM LV 700 can be used on all bituminous pavement surfaces.

Concrete or cementbound surfaces require the application of a primer/sealer prior to striping.




Layer thikness

1 – 2 mm

Softening point

> 110°C  Dosage: 2000-4000 g/m

Heat stability


Processing temp

195 – 215°C

Flash point

> 245°C

Drop-on agent

approx. 400 g/m ECHOSTAR 10 TRM
to be dropped on the hot,freshly
applied line by low pressure guns.
An adequate film thickness is obtained by a dosage among 2500 και 4000g/m2 of thermoplastic.
Bag of 25kg
Approx. 6 months (when protected against UV rays)
Health and safety:
Please refer to the labaling mentioned on the can.
In case more information is needed refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.
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